Professional Dev. Grant Makes A Difference

North Canton Elementary is in the small mountain mill town of Canton, North Carolina. The community is predominately low-income. The school cannot afford to have the Scholastic Reading Counts, a program to help students with reading. Instead, they have to come up with original, low-cost ideas to enhance their students’ literacy skills.

Several classroom teachers in the school recently secured money for iPads to use with students. With the help of a Professional Development Grant from NCFPSC, the new Media Specialist was able to attend a technology conference that taught her about new apps and free programs available on iPads that enhance student literacy in Reading, Math, Science and Social Studies. She brought these new resources and tools back to her school to share with the classroom teachers. These new ideas have made up for the lack of the Scholastic Reading program and 375 students are benefitting and growing from the technology conference.

We applaud the teamwork and creativity at North Canton Elementary as they strive to make sure their students succeed!

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