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Future Teachers Club

For Public School, Children & Teachers

Future Teachers Club

The Future Teachers Club – or FTC – is an extra-curricular public school organization operated as a school “club.” FTC encourages young people to choose teaching as a career and provides a means for students to participate in realistic education activities.

FTA chapters provide collaboration opportunities among educators, students, and the community. Members of FTC who share in the decision making are participating in a program that recognizes that these priorities should provide students with knowledge of:

Goals & Objectives

  • Provide opportunities for community involvement by participation in educational events such as school board meetings and site-based decision-making groups.
  • Provide means for students to participate in realistic education activities that assist in making valid career decisions.
  • Enhance school-student-community relations through partnerships with educational, civic, and business groups.
  • Improve effective communication and leadership skills through FTB and Teacher Cadet Programs.
  • Provide opportunities to investigate global educational issues through technology.
  • Gain insights into working with children and peers in public schools
  • Provide a variety of educational and cultural experiences through active participation in a FTB Chapter.
Download the “NCFPSC Future Teachers of America Handbook”

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